her name was ann.
just like any other mother or woman or person you'd meet. 'normal'. talks 'fine'. conscientious, open, yearning for company. aware of the world and herself. friendly.
in different clothes, in her own clothes, would've blended in in a daycare center, lunch aid, office worker, tutor, next door neighbor.
but she too is without a home, as of a few weeks ago.
"i havent eaten chicken in a dog's age".
every time we meet someone new at the train station, a new face, a new scent, a new heart, i can't help but think to myself, "one day, I could be wearing this persons' shoes."
what drives me? what drives you?
you should have told her mang. it's not about the c_______. there's a greater love that is out there, a more beautiful love that holds on and never lets go. something that quenches the thirsty, satiates the starving, completes the soul.
tell it to her. she's just like you and me.